Association of Corporate Counsel Government Contractors Forum: Two-Session Boot Camp on the GC’s Role in Bid Proposals and Protests
Event: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Government Contracts member Devon Hewitt to serve as a panelist at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Government Contractors Forum: GC’s Role in Bid Proposals and Protests on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. Part of a two-session boot camp, this session will provide essential insights into how to successfully navigate the submission of bid proposals and when to file a protest to challenge a losing bid. Speakers will address where and how a General Counsel can and/or should focus his or her efforts to both enhance the quality of the company’s proposals in response to Requests For Proposals (“RFP”) issued by the procurement offices of U.S. governmental agencies, and best protect the company’s legal interests in obtaining and performing the resulting contracts. Simply put, the speakers will draw upon their collective and extensive experience and discuss many “best practices” for a General Counsel in overseeing a company’s proposal preparation process.
The program is free to ACC National Capital Region members and $20 for non-members.